Sunday, May 1, 2011

Vegetables Fritters

Gorengan means fried foods or fritters in Indonesian. As one of most popular snacks in Indonesia, We can find a lot of street hawkers and stalls sell gorengan. They are usually served as snacks between meal, finger foods, appetisers or side dishes. Chili paddy and chili sauce are the most common companion to enjoy it. There are countless variety of gorengan since almost every kind of food can be fried into fritters. Most common ingredients for gorengan are: vegetables such as carrot, cabbage, green beans, bean sprout, corn; cassava, sweet yam, fruits such as sukun (breadfruit), banana, nangka (jackfruit), cempedak; tofu and tempeh. On this lens you can find vegetarians fritters to cheer up your days.But know ill give you more spesific information about vegetables Fritters or Indonesian people say it Bakwan sayur now here they are

Bakwan Sayur (Vegetables Fritters) 

2 cups all purpose flour
2 tsps salt
1 1/2 cups water
1 cup bean sprouts
3 scallions, thinly sliced
1 carrots, thinly julienne
3 green cabbage leaves, very finely sliced
Canola oil for frying

  • Mix the flour with water and salt. Stir continuously while adding water bit by bit, so that the flour will not be lumpy. Add cabbage, bean sprout, carrot, scalion and mix well to form thick batter.
  • Heat the oil in a wok or a deep-fryer. Fry spoonfuls of batter in oil until brown and cooked.
By : Ifana Nurul Fahma

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